Wednesday, March 05, 2003

If I Write it, They Will Come
Wouldn't it be nice if that were true?

I'm still getting quite a lot of traffic for my humble blog. How exciting! Thanks to all who have linked.

John, from Circles and Strains blog wrote quite a nice review of my site, with a link. After checking out his site a bit, I think I can return the favor with the link to his blog. He's got a lot to read through, which I haven't nearly covered. But he seems to have some positive things to say, topics, links and such. I noted his link to World Vision and Voice of the Martyrs, two good causes. And of course, his rave review of my blog is great for brownie points with the Cynical Tyrant, as well as great content for any blog. Discussing the Tyrant on your blog can do wonders for your blog. I believe it to be true.

It's always a risk to link to another site, but I think John may be worth a link. Thanks, John, for the link and review!

With all this kindness, gratitude, and gushing enthusiasm, you may be thinking the Tyrant has gone soft. Not so much. I just like to keep everyone guessing. . .

I really only want you to visit John's site to read his review of my site. I'm as self-serving as ever.


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