Friday, February 13, 2004

364 Days of Blog
Happy Blogentine Day.

One year ago tomorrow, the blog of Cynical Rantings began, and the Cynical Tyrant first emerged. I'm not sure why I chose Valentine's Day last year to begin blogging. But since V-Day is generally dead to me, it can now forevermore mark the anniversary of my blog. As I rarely get to the blog on the weekends, I am commemorating the milestone today, a day early. Come and share with me in this momentous occasion.

Aaah, what a blog year it has been. From the first post (yikes), testing my blog chops, not knowing who I was writing to, if anyone at all- it's been a valuable, fun, and interesting experience. I've come a long way from the first post. I've learned a lot from the blog. I've successfully written at least something, almost everyday, for a year.

That was my goal.

In my first year of blog-related goodness, I've received fans and fan mail, I've had over 13,000 visits from people traveling here for the purpose of reading stuff, I wrote a novel, and I've been nominated for a Bloggie Award.

These are very cool perks that happened in addition to my goal.

I could go on, getting cheesy and sentimental and philosophical about the blog. But, the blog knows what it means to me. We share a certain degree of intimacy. No need to embarrass it in public. . .

But, to conclude my toast to my blog, there have been highs, as well as lows. Pulitzer Prize worthy entries, as well as entries probably better left unwritten. There's plenty to justify a Best Of list (see the masterpieces listed to the right of the page), as well as more than enough to compile a lengthy Worst Of list (I prefer not to draw attention to those). Through it all, I've discovered that I simply love to write, whether it's the best or the worst, whether it's funny or sad, or something situated perfectly in between.

Alltogether, the 364 Days of Blog have been worthwhile, creatively liberating, educational, and very, very cool.

So tomorrow I kick off another Year of Blog, looking forward to blogging here as long as is humanly possible.

Yay blog.


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