Tuesday, April 15, 2003

Things I . . .
The last sip of Coke, because I know it will be a whole day until I'm allowed to have another Coke.

Coming to work the day after a fresh haircut, because the new 'do' will attract the attention of all the homeless men here. Some who feel led to pay too many compliments about it, and some who are literally distraught because they prefer my longer locks.

Hearing the fourth snooze alarm, because that means I absolutely have to get up for work.

Turning that last corner before I get to my office building, because I know I'm just at the start of another long day at my deplorable place of employment.

Doing actual work at work.

Buying fresh fruit and vegetables, because there is always the possibility of picking bad fruit or veggies, but I won't know til I get home and bite into it.

Filling up the Jeep at a gas station that is unfamiliar.

Softball games that are rained out.

The UPS man who refuses to leave the package on my door or at the apartment office, forcing me to wait for days to get the package or to make other arrangements to pick it up.

The first sip of Coke, because I then have a whole entire Coke ahead of me to enjoy.

Getting a haircut and highlights, because it always feels great to have freshly shorn locks that do what they are supposed to do, regardless of how many homeless men I attract.

Not hearing any alarms and not having to go to work, because it's Saturday.

Escaping out the front door, hopping into the Jeep, and getting the heck out of the parking lot as fast as I can after a long day at my deplorable place of employment.

'Working' while at work.

Eating fresh fruit and veggies because I chose good ones that are quite yummy.

Pushing the gas tank past 'E' so I can make it to the gas station I know by my house.

Playing softball every week, even when we lose.

Finally getting my package from UPS, so that I don't have to track down the UPS man and deliver a kick to his ribs.


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