Thursday, April 03, 2003

A Current Events Question
I'm just curious, but to all the adamant and passionate anti-war protestors who seem convinced that going to war is the absolute most wrong thing we could have done, what is your suggestion as to a better alternative to solve this whole Saddam/Iraq situation? And, why is whatever non-war scenario you offer the better, more likely to succeed option? I see so many angry, passionate people objecting the war, taking time and energy away from going to work and school, walking the streets, making signs, writing accusations and commentaries about our country's leadership, getting arrested for making a scene, etc. I just wonder what they think we should be doing instead of our current course of action, and why they think they have a better perspective. They're obviously upset enough to make a scene against what we are doing. But sometimes I wonder if they are making a scene just to make a scene and be heard 'in the name of peace', or if they truly see a better way to handle the situation.

Not to say either side is right or wrong. Just curious.


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