Wednesday, June 25, 2003

Last Night on Models, Inc: The Reality . . .
On last night's episode of America's Next Top Model, we find our five remaining models in Paris, forced to live in a tiny room with only three beds and one bathroom. The first challenge? Finding enough room for all five girls, all five suitcases, places to sleep, and Robin's annoying holier-than-thou, hair-drying-in-the-middle-of-the-night personality. The second and eliminating challenge was reading a map and getting to several locations for interviews in Paris, each girl individually, within a period of time.

No, seriously. That was it.

How many of the Model-ees completed the eliminating task? I think, like, two?

One was distracted by the bright shiney objects in a store, and had to stop for an emergency shopping purchase. One was felt up by a stranger and unfamiliar with the Metro despite the instructions and guidebook in her hand, and therefore unable to do anything but cry on a street corner. One paid a total stranger to guide her around the city, managing to not get mugged and killed, but still annoying everyone in the process. The others managed to get to the four locations and back to homebase successfully, with no tears and minimal confusion.

The one who hates the model stereotype and is completely annoyed at the whole competition was the best in the challenge and on film, yet again. The one who was distracted by the shiney objects was sent home. They lured her out of the room with a ball-ed up piece of tin foil.

High laughter, high drama, odd clothes. This is the best show on television.


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