Tuesday, February 18, 2003

I think this blogging idea is the greatest thing ever. It's pure genius. I've read bits and pieces of several blogs lately, and while I don't like many of them because I think I'm just not on their 'wavelength', I love that Blogger has created a forum for anyone to say anything they want to say, anytime, for public viewing. It's perfect for those of us who desire to be published someday. And perfect for those of us who are in their element, typing the random thoughts we have as though other people could possibly be interested in those thoughts. It's different than a journal, in that I feel like I am writing to an audience. Yet, it's personal, easy and fun. And if the world hates it, no big deal. There are some really good blogs out there. I'm still exploring, and as I find ones I like, I'll link to them. Hopefully they'll return the favor at some point.

Now I must figure out how to get people here reading my blog. One thing I don't like about Blogger is that there seems to not be an easy way to search for, or publicize a blog. I tried a search and kept getting error messages. I'm here writing away, and still I'm the only one who has read my blog. Don't get me wrong, if I'm the only one who ever reads my blog, I am highly entertained and enlightened by what I write. But, the more the merrier. Of course I'll be passing it on to friends soon enough. I have to be comfortable with it first. But I do wish there was an easier way to spread my blog.

If you were reading that last sentence and had no idea what a 'blog' is, it might sound like I'm trying to spread some weird exotic disease. I'm not. I am relatively disease-free.

Anyway, if you happen to stumble upon my blog, and you then happen to read some of it, and even then you don't hate it, please pass it on to friends, family, anyone who can read. I appreciate the attention. And remember, whatever you think about it, feel free to leave a 'Shout Out'. But keep it clean. Mean, fine, if you must. Clean, a must.

Never laugh out loud at someone else's expense. Unless you are far enough away that they are certain to be out of earshot.
The Cynical Tyrant

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