Monday, January 26, 2004

Tough Competition
I was introduced last night by a friend to his girlfriend. He went so far as to label me as his friend that is 'possibly one of the five funniest people on the planet.' Now, I don't know about all that. I mean, I'm funny and all. But one of the five funniest people on the planet? Shoot, that makes me blush. I'm not that funny.

But, what if I am that funny? What if my friend is an expert on 'funny', and he truly sees me as one of the five funniest people on the planet? That would be a HUGE honor. I'm not sure I'm prepared for such a weighty role in society. That's a lot of funny to bear.

Of course, being considered one of the funniest five people on the planet would imply that my friend knows everyone on the planet, and has been witness to their funny-ness, or lack thereof. Not to slight him in any way, but that's a lot of people to know. He knows a lot of people, but everyone? It's possible, but unlikely. So is it even fair for him to make the assumption that I could compare with the level of funny contained in each person on the planet? There could be undiscovered funny out there that he doesn't know about.

But then again, he could really know. Who am I to say?

And then the more I thought, the more I wondered why I'm only one of the five funniest people. Why am I not the funniest of the five people? I guess that would make me the funniest person on the planet, and not just one of the five funniest people on the planet. And I'm sure he would have introduced me that way if he really thought I as the funniest person on the planet. But why can't that be true? If my friend can be so bold as to say I'm one of the funniest five people on the planet, why stop there?

Let's have a Funny-Off. Let's figure this out.

Who are these other four people and what makes them so funny as to be included in the group of the five funniest people on the planet? And how do I rank among them? Am I the second funniest, or the fourth? Fifth? Are they famous funny people, or just everyday, run of the mill, undiscovered funny like I am. I'm perplexed. The whole idea confounds, yet challenges me.

If I'm that funny, as in 'five funniest people' funny, why not go all the way? Why can't I be Number 1?

Actually, it would probably be a lot of work. And then there would be the fame and fortune and prestige, responsibilities to the public, to my fans. Never a moment to myself. Always having to be funny for people.

It would cut into my blog time.

So . . . nevermind. I'll settle for 'One of Five', and remain virtually unknown, yet nearly the funniest person on the planet.

The world may never know.


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