Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Left Behind
Just like that super scary Christian book series about the end of the world.

So, I leave the country for a couple of weeks, and it seems that my blog community continues to blog (I hesitate to enlist myself in this "MOL" mess that everyone keeps going on about, as I'm not sure how to get in or out or if I am one or what is up). The blog community strangely seems to go on without me.

I get back and start reading through a few of my usual blogs, and it's like entire worlds of stuff has happened in my absence. It's so much to read, I have quickly become discouraged. It's overwhelming, all the words and stuff. It may actually be easier to just talk to you people and get caught up. Yikes.

So this is to say that any time I am out of the country, all blogging should cease until I return.

I just can't get caught up, and now I feel left behind. In fact, it's like I don't even know you people anymore.

Please feel sorry for me.

Although, I was in several exotic Asian countries. So that kinda makes up for it....

Not so much glad to be home, but home noentheless. I do so love me travels.

More catching up later....


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