Monday, March 22, 2004

Manual Labor Pains
I think it's safe to say that I did more work this weekend than I've done at work in my entire life. And strangely, I enjoyed the yard working manual labor much more than any job I've ever had.

I did the yard thing all weekend. Hours and hours of back-breaking work. There was mowing and weeding and trimming and pruning and digging and planting and moving and lifting and fertilizing.

Today there is hurting and aching and sunburn and not-so-much moving very well. My fingers actually ache while typing this.

But, my yard looks quite a bit closer to fabulous than it did at the beginning of the weekend. I moved a tree from the front yard to the backyard (While that sounds impressive, it is actually more of an aspiring tree. Currently it's pretty much just a twig. I fear it won't be with us much longer, but hopefully it's new location will re-inspired its will to live.) I planted three new shrubs in the front yard. These are my new children. I've been keeping a watchful eye over them since Saturday. I also planted begonias. And, I got after those weeds like I've never gotten after weeds before.

I own that yard. They do not.

Needless to say, it was a Home Depot weekend. Not just once, but a two-tripper. I proudly went twice. It couldn't be helped. And I'll just say it was like Christmas for me. I had so much fun at Home Depot. I've missed it.

Now I just wait for the yard to turn green again, for the weeds to wilt away, and for my children to grow and blossom and become beautiful additions to my home.

And hopefully sometime soon this aching pain that starts at the top of my head and goes down to my toes will go away so I can get out and enjoy my yard before it gets cold outside again.

I need a massage for about a week.


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