Friday, March 19, 2004

I've got more weed than grass.
It's that time of year again. The time when weeds grow freely and abundantly in my yard. And the time when I get to return to Home Depot after many months of Home Depot hibernation.

Home Depot . . . aaah . . .

I returned home from vacation last weekend to a horrific scene of weeds running amok on my front lawn. They were everywhere. More weed than grass. And not just an eyesore due to the sheer volume of weeds. They were also very, very tall.

It was embarrassing.

Despite the jet-lag, I immediately changed my clothes, pulled out the lawn mower that hadn't been used since the fall, and promply attacked the weeds. I mowed them right down. Ha! Take that, field of weeds.

But, as you probably know, mowing weeds does not get rid of weeds. It only challenges them to come back taller and stronger than before. Not even a week later, the weeds are tall again. It's insane.

So, this weekend is dedicated to weed. The removal and control of every last weed that I can possibly eradicate before the weekend is over. Come rain or come shine, I will de-weed.

I may not have much lawn left afterwards, but I will not tolerate free-range weeds.

The Weedinator has spoken.


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