Tuesday, July 08, 2003

Odd Woman Out
Through some very careful and thorough calculations, plus some abstract guessing, I've come to the conclusion that ultimately there will likely be, and always has been, an odd number of people on the planet. At my last count I came up with the number 94,573,942,329,384,701. See that last '01'? That's me.

What is the significance of this number, whether I'm even remotely close to a correct number or not? It is an odd number. Meaning, everyone in the world will likely hook up without me, and I will be the last lone woman standing. Alone. Watching everyone else be 'even' together. All ninety-four gagoogatrillion of them with an even counterpart. Except me.

Now, I can't be sure we have an odd number of people on the planet. But I'm fairly sure. How can I be sure? Because I'm consistently the odd woman out in groups and gatherings and life and whatnot. I perpetually do not have anyone with me to counteract my oddness. How would that continue to happen if there was at least one other odd person somewhere on the planet? It simply wouldn't make sense. Two odds make an even, and since I am consistently odd, I can only conclude there is not another odd out there to make me even. There is no other logical explanation for how my fabulousness could continually be left all alone.

Sure, I've connected to other lone ones from time to time. But they were merely even ones in disguise, in passing on the way to their true even counterpart. They fooled me for a bit. But obviously since I am not still with any of them, they are no longer fooling anyone. Further proof that I am THE one and only odd one out there.

I guess I can only hope that I've miscounted, and that there is someone I missed hiding under a rock somewhere. Hopefully he is a tall, handsome, funny, caring, athletic, handy, smart, charming, employed, fun, loveable guy who was looking under the rock . . . for me.


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