Wednesday, July 02, 2003

Models: Good vs. Evil
Ok, picture me last night, absolutely rolling on the floor laughing at the promos hyping the impending America's Next Top Model episode to begin in a few minutes. Why the laughter? Tyra's voiceover billing the episode as the "Christians versus the Pagans." Holy cow, that's funny.

If you've kept up with the show, you've seen the division between the Christian girls, and the non-Christian girls. With only four girls left at the start of last night's episode, it has turned into Robin and Shannon (Christian/saintly) vs. Adrienne and Elyse (non-Christian/Satan). Some serious issues going on here. Well, as serious as model issues can get.

I have to admire and applaud Robin's and Shannon's firm faith and determination to stick to 'clean' modelling and a 'wholesome' lifestyle. Kudos to them for living what they believe. However, they seriously crack me up because they are so extreme and so adamant about what they believe and making sure they make a big deal about it. Especially Robin. What a drama queen. She irks me intensely. She takes 'being a Christian' and hides behind it to be as bossy, self-righteous, opinionated, condescending, and uncompromising as she can possibly be.

I have to admit I agree with Adrienne about alot of what she says and does on this show and in this over-the-top Christian situation. In the confessional room, Adrienne has made comments speculating about how 'Christian' these girls are, and how they don't really understand what it means to be a Christian because of the way they treat everyone else in the name of Christianity. She's indicated that in watching their behavior of 'holier-than-thou' and condescending looks and comments about things they deem 'un-Christian', she would never be attracted to the Christian life, based on the witness of Robin and Shannon. Not in so many words, but she's definitely made that claim in roundabout ways. I totally agree with her. It's sad, but she's got a great point.

But, without getting into the right and wrongs of how Christians should behave in the world of modeling and fashion and sex-appeal, and even nudity, as we saw in last night's episode, I must say this Christian vs. Pagan thing they've hyped is highly entertaining. And something I never expected to see in this silly show. Who knew there could be an underlying sub-plot of substance in a reality show about models??

To me, Robin and Shannon represent everything I hate about Christians trying to make a mark in the secular world. They give us a bad name in the way they've handled the situations they've been involved in, and even created themselves. They tend to stir up this huge chasm between how good they are trying to be, and how bad everyone else is because they aren't reading the Bible 108 times a day, or because the 'pagan' girls are actually doing what the contest judges and coaches ask them to do without making a speech on how it offends their religion. They've been on the offensive the entire time, determined to make a stand that Christians can be models, in a world where that is obviously a difficult thing to do. Not impossible, but not the norm, by any means. Robin and Shannon think they are being good Christians by condemning the others' behavior, or by making themselves out to be holier or better than everyone else. They seem to think they have it all figured out, and that every situation is black or white, right or wrong, and they are always right since they walk around with a Bible in hand all the time. How do they intend to ever connect with anyone and actually share the truth of their faith, if the ones they point out as 'non-Christian' are so turned off by how they act and talk?

I give props to Adrienne and Elyse for not taking Robin and Shannon too seriously, for being able to laugh at the extreme drama created by the Christians making their loud, annoying stand. I love their cynicism, and I can't blame them for thinking all Christians are big religious freaks. While it's sad that their impression of Christians and Christianity is some ultra-religious, annoying freak show, based on Robin and Shannon, I can't blame them for being completely amused and turned off to the whole Christian thing. And I have to admit it's been great fun for me to see Adrienne and Elyse just be themselves and cause such intense and funny reactions from Robin the Religious. But it's also sad for me to think that this is their impression of all Christians. I think Shannon is more young and naive than anything else, and Robin is definitely the instigator of the religion clashes more than anyone else. Shannon seems to be experiencing what her faith really means to her out in the world for the first time, and I think she's handled it much better than Robin. But they both have taken their stand on their principles to a weird extreme that honestly leaves me embarrassed for them as representatives of Christianity, more than anything else.

Adrienne and Elyse have done well in not taking this competition too seriously, and instead, enjoying themselves and the opportunity to learn and experience something really cool. They've also been much more accepting, loving, and encouraing to each other, and to the other Model-ees than either Robin or Shannon have been throughout the competition. Robin and Shannon, while doing well to stick to what they believe, have alienated themselves from the other girls, and from the point of the whole show, which is to choose a model. Not a religious platform. If they intended to come to the show as witnesses of Christ, their actions and words have actually done more to harm any potential interest the other girls would have in knowing Christ. There is such a thing as relaxing and enjoying the opportunities God provides, without being a total freak about things that may conflict with what one believes. There is also such a thing as building relationships to communicate Christ, instead of pointing fingers and preaching and holding up the Bible as a shield. It's okay to loosen up and have some fun in new situations, and with people who may not be 'Christian'. Sure, I would have had some issues with the nude photo shoot. But there is a graceful way to handle those things. Pitching a diva fit on national TV is not it.

Streaking through the streets of Paris . . . . maybe.

Oh well. With Robin out of the way, the remaining three model-ees should provide some interesting fun. Elyse is the best model of the bunch, and probably the most qualified to receive the prestigious honor as America's Next Top Model. But I kinda hope Adrienne wins. That girl cracks me up, and I think she'd really appreciate the opportunities provided by winning. Oh, I can't believe my new favorite show is almost over! What will I do???

I would make a horrible model, what with all the grooming, and behaving, and strange photo shoots and whatnot. But I would so love to be on this show, just to see if the awkward, clumsy, cynical, shy, self-conscious girl could be made into a model. Or at least stir up some fun trouble with the other actual models.

And to go to New York and Paris for free.


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