Thursday, November 06, 2003

Yes, I just invented a new word.

Ok, I seem to have resurrected my Nanowrimo novel. Thanks in part to Tim's observation in the comments of this post below, I became inspired and have shifted gears and started a new story, not unentirely (also probably a word I just invented) related to said post. And it's also not entirely un-autobiographical, in a "that's not me, but it could be construed as possibly based on some of me" sort of way.

It's about a cynical girl, unhappy with her job, intrigued by reality TV.

You can read an excerpt of it here. I cranked out 1707 words in about an hour or so, so as is the goal with Nano, it's not quality, but quantity. It's tentatively titled, Reality: Pantyhose vs. Television.

I'm now only about 7900 words behind. But I'm definitely well on my way to a really, really bad novel.

It's so cool!!


UPDATE: I've changed my title to Lizzy Hated Pantyhose. That works better for me.

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