Saturday, September 03, 2005

Um, wha??
This is another entry in a never-regular series I like to call, "Um, wha??" It's for those things in life that just don't make sense.

Tonight I am going to the big BU vs. SMU football game. In order to get tickets, I had to go to the SMU website, since the game is at SMU.

I found exactly what I wanted - $12 endzone tickets. Perfect! I bought 2 tickets.

I clicked through all the screens to get to the page where you pay, and I saw that my total amount was . . . $35.

Um, since when do two $12 tickets add up to $35? What kind of crazy Methodist math is that??

I looked at the screen. It listed the following items (exactly like this):

Tickets - $12.00 x 2
Fee - $2.00
Charge - $7.00
Total = $35.00

Of course! How silly of me! I forgot about the unidentified "fee" and the ambigiously invisible "charge", which should be standard on every internet transaction. It all makes perfect sense and is totally justified.


It didn't even explain what the "fee" or "charge" is. And really, what is the difference between a "fee" and a "charge"? I paid an extra $9 that is completely unexplained, and yet there was no way on the website NOT to pay the "fee" or "charge". That $9 will almost buy me a gallon of gas these days. Which I will need to get to the game....

SMU cannot get away with this.

They. Must. Pay.

I'm asking 9 SMU kids tonight for $1 each until I have my $9 back.


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