Tuesday, September 13, 2005

What I Learned Today
Even if you toast stale bread in an attempt to disguise the staleness, it's still stale.

It's true.

And gross.

What I Remembered Today
I want to make a movie. I majored in movies in college, and not in the sense that Friend A would say she majored in movies (ie: watching). I was a film major. I watched movies for grades in classes, wrote about movies for grades in classes, even made some movie-type pieces. And one music video.

I've been listening to the radio lately because I'm bored with all of my cds again. It's been such a random mix of music, I keep putting it to scenes in my head, like a movie soundtrack.

It's really funny, yet poignant. It needs a plot. None of the scenes in my head go together. But it reaches a wide audience. Highly successful. Yet, not a blockbuster. It would possibly be nominated for an award or two. Almost a cult classic, but more mainstream than indie, yet not too mainstream.

Too bad it's only in my head.

I tend to see my world like a movie, in scenes. Like I'm watching it. I replay things, photographically imaged in my brain. I don't think in words, which is odd since I write so much. I think in images and scenes. I even think ahead in images and scenes. Not so much planning, just anticipating, I guess. Preparing for what my world will look like as I move through it, I suppose.

However, most of my best material is spontaneous. If I think of a joke early and save it to make later, it's never as funny as the stuff I just say, in the moment, as a reaction. I'm clever on the spot, or I'm usually not clever at all.

This is probably why I haven't made my movie. Too much thinking.

And quite possibly, it only works in my head.


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