Tuesday, August 12, 2003

'Helpful' Overload
One thing I've noticed since owning a house for the past several weeks is that everyone has advice on owning a house. What to do, what not to do, maintenance, tricks and tips, helpful suggestions, etc. For the most part, it's good, since I've never owned a house before and I pretty much have no idea what I'm doing. But at times, it's a little much. Information overload.

Sometimes I can't even tell a story about a project I've done at the house, or describe something in detail without whoever I'm talking to chiming in with a better or different way to do it. I don't necessarily want everything done for me, or done without a little trial and error on my part. It's part of the home-owning adventure to jump in, head to Home Depot, and figure it out on my own. Plus, it makes for good stories. Experience and expertise is certainly valued and appreciated. But sometimes the overly-helpful, albeit well-intentioned nature of so many people makes me a little crazy.

Now, if you are someone who has given me advice or made a suggestion about house projects or maintenance, don't assume I'm talking about you here. I have really appreciated all the helpful hints I've gotten from people, and for the most part people have been very cool about how they offer advice. Most of the hints have actually proven to be helpful. But sometimes I just like to tell the story of what I did, and how I did it, and the outcome of it, and not have the person I'm talking to come back with an alternative or the way they did it and why it was better. Even if I didn't do it the best way, or the most efficient way, or exactly the way you'd do it, I did it. My way. In my house. I learned from it. And that's okay. It's an accomplishment.

Of course, when my house falls apart because I didn't do it the right way, I'll certainly be coming back to you for more of those helpful hints.

Thank you.


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