Wednesday, February 08, 2006

It's just not okay
Bad news. Really, really bad news. I made a bad decision. A really, really bad decision.

I set my VCR (yes, VCR - I do not afford Tivo or DVR) to tape the Grammys. For my annual recap. And because I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE awards shows and I have been looking forward to the Grammys all week.

Even though the Grammys are once a year, I decided to keep my standing date to watch LOST with my local LOST group. I've grown to love that time, and I really needed the people interaction this week.

So, I decided to tape the Grammys (instead of staying home to watch them live). And I went to LOST group.

I loved LOST group (as always), but it was a bad decision.

I got home from LOST group. I put on my pjs. I snuggled onto my couch. I figured I would watch some Grammys until I fall asleep.

Pressed "Play".


I accidentally taped TV from THIS MORNING starting at 7 AM instead of 7PM. I now have three hours of the Early Show.

Who watches that??? I WANT GRAMMYS!!! I don't even care if they are good or not, so don't try to appease me with "the show really wasn't that great." It's never that great. That's not the point.


Unless I can find someone who either has it on tape or who will let me live at their house for at least 3.5 hours to watch the Grammys on Tivo, I will not be able to write my recap.


And I just really don't know what to do with myself facing the horrible reality that I may not get to watch the Grammys this year.

I was looking forward to it. A lot. I needed it this week. A lot.

I hate everyone and everything right now.

Unless you have Grammys for me. Then I love you a lot.


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