Tuesday, January 06, 2004

Is this your favorite Blog?
Or one of your favorites? Or at least a blog you don't hate?

Then nominate me.

I toil away here nearly everyday, providing you with humorous and/or poignant content for your reading enjoyment. I give you my best. For free, mind you. I ask nothing of you in return.

Until now.

Nominate me for a Bloggie award.

Never heard of it? Neither had I until recently, but I think it would be fun to see how I rank amongst the super well-known blogs of the world. Or at least to see if I rank at all.

I never win anything. Ever. Never. Ever. True, a Bloggie isn't exactly an Oscar (which I'm also hoping for this year, along with a Grammy). But blogging is what I do. Cool for me if I win something for it.

Do this before January 12:
Go here. Scroll down the page. Pick a category. Put 'Cynical Rantings' and the link to my blog as a nominee. And if all goes well, I'll have me a Bloggie.

Might I suggest a category or two? Nominate me in one or all of the following:

- Most Humorous Weblog
- Best Kept Secret Weblog
- Best New Weblog (mine began in February, 2003)
- Weblog of the Year (I have no chance at this, but it doesn't hurt to try)

The blogs with the most nominations are considered for voting by a panel of judges to choose finalists, then people vote again amongst the finalists, apparently. So spread the word to nominate me.

Try to avoid nominating me in categories that do not apply to me (ie: Best Asian Blog)

And truly, it is an honor just to be nominated. So with that, I leave you to go nominate myself.


PS: I may be nominating some of you with blogs, too. I enjoy many of your blogs as much as you enjoy mine. Let the Bloggies begin.

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