Tuesday, March 02, 2004

Shocking Twist
I didn't watch the second season of Average Joe. But after reading about the 'shocking twist', and also seeing it advertised on TV, I was curious to see what this twist could be.

Of course, I forgot about it throughout the day yesterday. But, as I sat sniffling on my couch last night (because I'm sick, not because I was sad that I forgot about Average Joe), I happened to click the channels to the Average Joe channel just as it was getting to the 'shocking twist' part of the show. What luck!

I sat up a bit, turned up the volume, and watched as Girl talked about how much fun she was having with the Joe she picked, but that she was dreading having to tell him this shocking twist. She wanted to be honest, but she didn't want to ruin their special relationship.


Well, after about the least climactic piece of television I've ever watched, Girl nonchalantly and without ceremony (or even 'shocking twist' music) told Joe that . . . she used to date Fabio.

Are you kidding me??? That is the 'shocking twist???' They had to have made that up.

I laughed. A lot. It hurt. I'm sick.

So, Girl is embarrassed that she dated Fabio. And by 'Fabio', I mean the actual I-Can't-Believe-It's-Not-Butter, hit in the face with a bird, on the cover of romance novels, Fabio. I didn't realize people dated him, but I guess it makes sense that someone had to date him at some point in his Fabio-ness.

But then, in a totally unrealistic piece of reality TV, Joe decides he just cannot handle the fact that this girl that chose him out of all the others Joes, originally chose to be with Fabio, on purpose. He is literally freaked out that people would know he is dating a girl that dated Fabio. He decides to leave. The show. Forever.

What an idiot. She totally chose the wrong Joe, and I didn't even see any of the other Joes.

And it was the most un-interesting bit of television I think I've ever seen. No drama. No build up. No anything. Shocking twist. She dated Fabio. Joe leaves. End of story.

Or I think it was the end. I quit watching at this point because I was so un-interested, and so laughing at the Fabio thing that I just couldn't take any more. She should have made up a better twist than that. Like that she used to be Fabio. Now that would be a twist. And it would justify Joe's departure.

So what's the moral of the story? Do not date Fabio. No matter what occurs, do not date Fabio. And if you have dated him, do not tell anyone. Ever. Never. At all.

It will clearly ruin your life in a shocking twist sort of way, on national television.


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